Syngrafii's 3.3 release brings:
- New tools and options in the templating of documents including a Strikethrough tool allowing you to mark-up text and paragraphs to be indicated as deleted in documents being sent out for signing.
- Platform generated reminders will now automatically remind signers who have not signed documents prior to the Sign By date, based on a reminder schedule that you can customize.
- A new default notification type that only sends one email with all the signed documents once the signing Package has been fully completed, instead of multiple emails with each signed document. This option is now the default setting.
- Ability to download all signed documents in a Package as a compressed zip file.
Please note: To support our clients in verifying signatories using the iinked Platform, iinked Sign™ is now offering iinked Identity Verification. To request pricing and access for our stage one iinked IDV™ services, please click here.
New Features
- Templating
- A new templating tool has been added called Strikethrough that allows creators of Packages to add annotations to documents prior to sending them out for signing.
- Drag and drop or draw a line onto a document to accomplish "redlining" of text paragraphs.
- Resize and reposition the strikethrough as required.
- Adjust the thickness and colour of the strikethrough.
- Introduced a new method of templating the document in addition to drag and dropping fields. You can now select the field and tap on the document to continuously add a field of that type.
- Selected fields can now be repositioned using the arrow keys on your keyboard.
- Selected fields can be deleted using the delete key on your keyboard.
- A new warning dialog has been added to prompt you if you forgot to template a document with a Signature box.
- If a document contains AcroFields (a fillable PDF), the templating of the document will now highlight the existing AcroFields in red so that the Package creator is aware that there are fields already present in the document. If these need to be disabled, you can use the new Package Option to Disable AcroForm fields.
- A new templating tool has been added called Strikethrough that allows creators of Packages to add annotations to documents prior to sending them out for signing.
- Package Options - Automated Reminders for Signing Packages
- You can now configure Auto reminders to be sent prior to the expiration of the signing.
- The options for Sequential, Concurrent and Group Send Packages are: None, one day (default) and three days.
- Video Signing Room Packages will have same day (default), one day and three days as the available options. Only attendees will receive the automated reminders.
- You can now configure Auto reminders to be sent prior to the expiration of the signing.
- Email Notifications
- Configure the auto reminder schedule for signers who have not completed their signings.
- Introduced the ability to remove the Package Owner from the final executed email notifications for them not to receive notifications that the documents have been executed.
- Added a new default option After all Signed to only receive the final package executed email once all the documents have been executed by all signers in the Package.
- For Sequential signings, a new default option for the next signer called After all Signed will now only notify the next signer of the documents once all documents are executed by the current signer.
- If the total attachment size of a notification email exceeds 20MB, the signers are instead presented with a download link instead of the documents attached to the email.
- Package Options - PDFs with fillable fields
- You now have the option of Disabling AcroForms (non-iinked fields that were already present in a PDF) in documents with the new Package Option Disable AcroForms. This ensures that your signers will not see the fillable fields that were originally in the PDF document while signing.
- Signed Documents
- All executed documents in a Package can be downloaded as a single compressed zip file.
- The executed document of a signing will now contain any iinked Seals present within it in a different PDF layer.
- Integrators
- Added Custom Tags to all Custom Field types so that you can easily preview and copy the tags generated for the Custom Fields into documents that you generate.
- Added support for Syngrafii Standard Tags for checkboxes and radio fields.
Update rollout begins the week of 2023-07-17