New Features
- Introducing Concurrent Signing
- This new signing Package workflow option allows you to Send documents to recipients for signing in any order. Each recipient will sign the same copy of the document.
- Unlike a Sequential signing, signers do not have to wait until it is their turn and can sign as soon as the Package is sent. Once all the signers have completed their signing, the final executed document will be available.
- Templating
- Added a new field to allow adding Multiline Text to a document.
- Added Read Only, Minimum and Maximum properties to Text and Multiline Text templating fields.
- Added Validation to text fields allowing you to define what text can be entered in a textbox: limiting to only email, numbers, letters, and custom regular expressions.
- Integrators
- Added support for Syngrafii templating tags for Text Multiline and Images.
- Improvements in detecting touch screen computers in a VSR meeting for easier signing directly on the screen during the session.
- Fix for Low Bandwidth issues
- Added video low bandwidth warning and resume video button
- Shows resume video when other user stops the video
- Added a fix for large single-point dot signatures.
- Improved scaling for Seals with different sizes.
- iinked Sign Admin can now delete videos [see: How to Permanently Delete a Recorded Video from a VSR Meeting]
- For Integrators
- Added the ability to redirect to and from the embed Package view instead of using an iframe.