The Package originator can control the notifications and document attachments sent after the documents have been fully signed.
When creating and customizing a Package, click on the Notifications tab in the Package Options.
Auto Reminders
The Package originator can now configure Auto reminders to be sent prior to the expiration of the signing.
The available options for Sequential, Concurrent, and Group Send Packages are:
- None
- 1 day (default)
- 3 days
The available options for Video Signing Room are:
- same day (default)
- 1 day
- 3 days
Only the attendees in a VSR meeting will receive automated reminders.
Note: An auto reminder notification will not be sent to a signer
if a recent notification has already been sent within the last 12 hours,
such as a Manual Reminder sent by the Package Owner.
Signed Documents
Under the section Signed Documents, there are five toggle switches.
Attach - By enabling this option, the final signed documents are attached to the notification sent to the signers. By default, this option is enabled.
Attach - Enabled
After All Signed - By enabling this option, the signed document notification is sent to all signers including the Package originator only after all signers have signed all the documents in the signing package. By default, this option is enabled.
Owner - By enabling this option, the Package originator is included in signed document notifications. By default, this option is enabled.
All Signers - By enabling this option, all the signers in the Package are included in signed document notifications. By default, this option is enabled.
Each Signer - By enabling this option, each signer receives a notification after they sign a document in the Package. By default, this option is disabled. Please note: this option is only available in the Sequential Signing Type.
Next Signer (only available for Sequential Packages)
Under this section, there is only one toggle switch
By enabling After All Signed, the next signer notification, which is sent out to the next signer when the current signer signs the document, will only be sent out after the current signer has signed all the documents in a Package.
Please Note: The maximum size of the attachment and the email that can be sent out via email is 20 MB. In case any notifications are equal to or greater than 20 MB, the signed documents are excluded from the notifications and a link is provided to download the signed documents and the MasterFile.
You can set the option you want for all your future Packages by updating the
Signing Defaults values: Set Your Signing Defaults