iinked Form™ allows users in Syngrafii to create re-usable, on-demand signing Packages for documents that are signed often that can be embedded on a website or sent to signers via a re-usable link.
- Once logged in, on the application home page, under Forms, click on New to create a new form or Forms to manage existing ones.
- Clicking on New brings up the Creating a New Form page. In the Customize Form section, Form Name is a mandatory field. In this section, on the right, you will see two toggle switches, Disabled and Shared. Using the Disabled toggle switch, the user can choose whether to enable or disable the Form. If the Form is disabled, the Form link (which is generated after the Form is created), will not create any Packages. By default, this toggle switch is disabled, that means the Form is enabled to share the link. The Shared toggle switch can be used to make a Form either Private or Public. To make a Form visible and accessible to other members in your organization, so they can create new Packages using the Form, you need to turn the toggle switch ON, else it will only be visible and accessible to the Form creator. By default, this toggle switch is OFF.
- In the next section, you can add signers by either typing a name into the search bar or by filling in the signer fields as requested and clicking on ‘Add’. If you are required to be one of the signers, click on ‘Add Me’. Please note, the mandatory Form Signer will by default be the first signer. All subsequent signers can be reordered by dragging their box or by using the up and down arrow icons.
- Next, upload documents by either dragging and dropping them into the Add Documents area or clicking anywhere on the box to open a file dialog window that will allow you to select multiple files. This will upload the document(s) to Syngrafii.
- Once all the Form details have been entered, click on Next to save the changes and begin the Review and Template process.
- This next screen is where you can review the documents that are being sent out and template them to add signatures, text boxes and other fields to ensure that the signers sign all required sections of the document.
- Use the menu on the left to select the signer at the top, followed by dragging and dropping the required fields into the document for each signer.
- Once the template is complete, you can Save your changes, continue to template the remaining documents (if any) and then click on Share to get the link to the Form.
- A window is displayed with the Share Link as well as the Embed Link. You can select your desired link or click on the copy button on the right, and the application confirms that the Form link has been copied to the clipboard. Now, you can share this re-usable link with your Form Signer(s). If applicable, any signers that need to sign the document(s) after the Form Signer will receive a signing link via email.
See How To Use an iinked Form™