1. In Advance of the VSR Meeting
- Prior to a VSR meeting, you can check the hardware (camera and microphone) and the browser compatibility for the VSR session. Read more.
2. Before Entering the VSR Meeting Lobby (available in V 3.4)
- All attendees in a VSR meeting now have the ability to test and configure their Microphone, Camera, and Audio settings before entering the meeting lobby.
- Camera
- The dropdown displays all the available cameras.
- Use the Blur Background toggle switch to enable or disable background blurriness.
- Microphone
- The dropdown displays all the available Microphones.
- Check the Input volume bar, if it moves while you speak, your microphone is functioning correctly.
- Speakers
- The dropdown displays all the available Speakers.
- Adjust the volume settings for audio output.
- Use the Test button to verify if the speakers are working at the desired volume.
- All the above-mentioned settings can also be adjusted after joining the VSR meeting by clicking on the gear icon located on the right-side panel.
3. During a VSR Meeting
- Give permission to Google Chrome to access the Camera and Microphone: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/2693767?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=en&oco=0
- Android: Change App permissions on your Android phone: https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/9431959?hl=en&visit_id=637877161750832848-3374411632&rd=1#zippy=%2Csee-all-permissions-for-each-app
- iOS: Safari will need access to the camera and microphone on the device. Confirm that Camera and Microphone are enabled here:
- Settings -> Safari -> Camera -> Ask and
- Settings -> Safari -> Microphone -> Ask
- If you are having trouble hearing someone, or other attendees cannot see you once you are in a VSR, you can use the options button: on the right-hand side to change your camera and audio preferences.