For a full video demonstration of the Syngrafii iinked Platform,
please watch the following video: Syngrafii iinked Platform Demonstration
A Video Signing Room™ (VSR) session allows you to schedule an online meeting with one or more signers where you can share and record the signing session via built in Syngrafii video conferencing. The entire VSR session including the document(s) being shared and signed is also recorded for Audit Trail purposes.
- You can join a VSR meeting as the host in either of the following 2 ways:
- Log into the Syngrafii application and find the VSR Package that you created and click Join.
- Locate the meeting invite in your default mail calendar and click on the Join button.
- In order to host a meeting, you will need to use a PC with a webcam and either Google Chrome or Firefox as they have the ability for screen sharing.
- Attendees can use any modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge. Find the list of supported browsers here.
- Once you join, you will be in the meeting Lobby. As attendees join, you will see their status change from offline to online. You can use the chat to communicate before you start the meeting.
- When ready, you can click on the button to Start Meeting and this will take you and the attendees to the live Video Signing Room. The website will ask you if you allow access to your webcam and mic and you will have to give it permission so that the attendees can see and hear you.
- You can use the options button:
on the right-hand side to change your camera and audio preferences.
- You can use the options button:
- When the meeting has been started, you can optionally select Start Recording to begin the recording of the audio and video for the MasterFile™ Audit Trail.
- When it is time to sign documents, you can click on the Start Screen Sharing button. You will be asked to select the screen that you would like to share. Please note that once the screen share has started, your attendees will be able to see your screen and it will also be included in the video recording.
- To sign the documents, click on the thumbnail of any document that you wish to sign.
- It will open inside the screen-share area of the VSR and immediately display a dialog-box to link to your signer’s devices. This is where you can send either text message or email notifications to your signers for them to use their mobile phones to send their ink signatures into the document. You can close the dialog-box once you are done. Note: if your signers have joined the VSR meeting on their mobile device, you will not need to send them this separate link.
- Scroll through the document and as required, activate a signer’s signature box by clicking on it and then ask the signer to sign on their mobile device and click Send to send their signature to the document. The signers can use the same signature link to send subsequent signatures into the same document.
- If you need to add signatures in a location that there are no pre-templated signature boxes, you can use the signature tool:
located at the bottom of the signing application:
- Click on the signature tool, and then click anywhere on the document as required to add a signature box
- To change which signer this signature box is for, click on the users icon:
and select the signer’s name, this will mean that only that signer can send their signature into this signature box.
- Once completed, you can click on the mouse pointer tool to deactivate the signature tool.
- Once all the required signature fields are completed, you will be able to click on the Send button to complete the signing of the document.
- If there are additional documents in the Package, you can open the next document and sign it. Please note that you will need to send new mobile signing links to each signer for each new document.
- Once all the documents in the Package have been signed you can then end the screen-share. If the meeting is complete, the video recording if started must be stopped and you can then exit the VSR meeting using the exit button at the bottom right: