An Organization Administrator can set the Organization's default locale. A member can also set their own Profile's locale.
The following is how the locale is used across the Syngrafii Application.
Organization Locale
The organization locale will be used for the following:
- The default language any new Signing Packages are generated in:
- The Compliance Audit Certificate page will be generated in the selected locale's language if available.
- The default language of the notifications sent to signers:
- If a signer is a member of your organization it will use their preferred locale instead.
- After a signer opens a document for signing or joins a VSR meeting, any future notifications will be based on their browser's locale or selected language.
Member Locale
The member's own locale will be used for the following:
- To determine the language of any of the notifications sent to that member.
Web Browser Locale
When accessing the Syngrafii application, the browser's locale will be used to determine the language of the website (if the locale's language is available in Syngrafii).