This guide outlines the operation of the LongPen Application. This application is used by an operator at the LongPen in order to control which signing endpoints have access to sign or view the document being signed at any given time. The operator can independently control each signing endpoint giving them access to view or sign a document remotely.
Turning on the LongPen
Once the power and network cables (if applicable) are plugged in, the power switch at the back-left of the LongPen needs to be turned on. The LongPen Laptop will also need to be turned on. Log into Windows if required. Once Windows has completed the login, double click on the 'Start LongPen' icon. When the LongPen software is started, the LongPen will calibrate itself, this involves the following steps: the arms stretch and the pen is tapped on the writing surface. Once this is complete, the LongPen Status is 'Ready' and the message 'Connected to TWS Web Server' is visible in the log, the LongPen is ready to accept connections. To shutdown the LongPen, click on the 'Shutdown Everything' button. After the software has closed, shut down Windows and turn off the power switch at the back panel.
Endpoint Software User States
At any given time, a user of the mobile software can be in one of 4 different states (described below). This enables the operator to have control over which user/tablet can view and sign documents in a preferred sequence. The operator can use the LongPen software as outlined in the subsequent sections in order to apply these states to the connected users.
The states are defined as:
- Idle – This is when the user's application is connected to the server and a holding screen is displayed. The user will not have access to view or sign any documents when in this state.
- Viewer – The user has been granted viewing privileges from the server. They will be able to see the document that is under the LongPen but not be able to sign it. This mode is useful in a session with multiple signers.
- Signer – The user has full access to view the document and sign with their stylus or finger to send their signature to the LongPen for application onto the document.
- Disconnected – The user's application is completely disconnected from the server. The user would have to sign in again in order to establish a new connection.
Using the Software
The primary user interface software at the LongPen is called the LongPen Connection Server.
As previously mentioned, once the software has been launched and the LongPen calibrated, the LongPen Connection Server displays as in Figure 1 below. When connected to the LongPen server correctly, the message "Connected to TWS Web Server" is displayed in the communications log. At this point, the LongPen is ready to accept connections.
Figure 1 - Connection Server
Loading a Document
To load a paper document under the document holder of the LongPen, lift up the clear, magnetic paper holder and place the document on the surface of the LongPen and replace the document holder. The magnets will click in position. The signing area is denoted by the square area within the document holder.
The Alignment Tool
‘Alignment’ refers to the relationship between the placement of the writing on the tablet and where the LongPen writes on the document. When properly aligned, the LongPen should write in the exact place on the document where the writing was placed on the tablet.
The document camera can be sensitive to movement in its position which can result in a change of alignment. The Alignment Tool will help to correct the alignment of the LongPen when the camera has moved or the pen in the LongPen has been replaced.
To run the tool, please follow the following steps:
- On the Connection Server screen, press the button labelled [Alignment Tool].
- When the alignment tool activates, you will see an image from the LongPen's document camera, and a number of buttons. Ensure you have a blank sheet of paper under the LongPen.
Figure 2 - Alignment Tool before grid drawn
- Click the [Draw Grid] This will send a command to the LongPen to draw a rectangular grid.
- Once the drawing of the grid is complete, the blue ink will stay on the display of the Alignment Tool. This will allow you to align the image of the grid on the paper to the grid on the screen. A combination of the buttons on the right-hand side of the alignment tool will help you achieve this by moving the image. Note: If you place your cursor over any of the buttons, a short description of its functionality will be displayed.
Figure 3 - Alignment Tool after grid drawn
- When the grid drawn on paper is perfectly aligned with the grid drawn on the screen in blue, the alignment is complete.
Figure 4 - Alignment Tool after aligned
- Upon completion, please click the [Finished] button. This will save the alignment data to the server and return you to the Connection Server.
This completes the alignment process.
Using the LongPen Connection Server
When an endpoint tablet logs into the system, the table on the Connection Server updates with a quick view of its information. The Connection ID, Username, IP Address and User State of the connection are displayed.
Figure 5 - Endpoint Quick View
Clicking on the ‘Action’ button for each row of the table displays a menu with additional options. This is how the user states for each connection can be altered.
Figure 6 - Extended menu options
Placing the mouse pointer over the 'More Info' option displays additional information on a connection.
Figure 7 - More Information
When a document is ready to be signed, the operator can use the action menu to change a user's state from idle to signing by clicking on the 'Start Signing' option. The following image shows 2 connections in the Connection Client. One user, user1 has a state of 'Signer' and the other user, user2 has a state of 'Idle'. This means that user1 can see and sign the document at the LongPen and user2 does not see anything at all (user2 will only see the welcome screen).
Figure 8 - one user signing and one user idle
The operator is able to change the state at any time as needed. For example, in the above scenario, you can even have one connection as a viewer while the other one is signing.
Figure 9 - user as a signer and user as a viewer
Both users can also be set to ‘Signer’; however, this may cause some confusion as to who signs the document first.
When the documents have been signed, the operator should then disconnect all connected tablets by clicking on the action button and then clicking on 'Disconnect' for each connection. The record of the tablet will then disappear from the tablet as it disconnects. The user will have to reconnect in order to complete more signings once they have been disconnected.
Figure 10 - Disconnect Tablet
Installing a Pen
If required, the pen on the LongPen can be easily changed with a replacement pen by following the steps below:
- Remove the cap from the replacement pen prior to installing it.
- Slightly unscrew the pen holder on the LongPen, this will loosen the pen but do not loosen it all the way as the pen holder will also fall out.
- Gently remove the existing pen.
- Take the new pen and insert it into the pen adapter, sliding it in as far as it will go (roughly about an inch sticking out at the bottom) and tighten the screw.
- If the LongPen Software was already started, you must click on the 'Calibrate' button in order to recalibrate the LongPen.
- Click on the Alignment Tool in order to re-align the LongPen now that the pen has been changed.
Most of the basic issues can be rectified by verifying that the LongPen has an active Internet connection and by restarting the LongPen laptop.
The following are some troubleshooting items that can help diagnose certain usage errors.
- The robot did not calibrate the first time it was started by the operator.
Please check that the green power light on the LongPen's surface is active (if applicable) as well as that the webcam and LongPen USB connectors are plugged-in correctly.
- The User states that where they wrote on the tablet is not where the robot wrote on the paper.
Run the alignment tool to realign the LongPen and ask the user to sign again.
- There is no response when the user hits send on the tablet.
Verify that the intended user is connected and the operator has given them signing privileges. The user should ensure that they still have an active Internet connection. In addition, verify that the browser being used is supported. The user can refresh the page and log in again.
- There is an error message saying that the Connection Server cannot connect to the TWS server.
Ensure that the LongPen Controller PC has access to the network and the LongPen Server. Restart the LongPen.
- The user gets disconnected without the operator has completed the session.
There is a 2 hour limit on each connection in order to avoid a build-up of connections on the Connection Server. The user's tablet could have also gone into power-saving mode.